Nosto Acquires Visual Content Platform Stackla to Bring Authentic Shopping Experiences to the Market at Scale

Nosto Acquires Visual Content Platform Stackla to Bring Authentic Shopping Experiences to the Market at Scale

Nosto is excited to announce we have acquired visual content platform Stackla in an effort to bring the most personalized, authentic commerce experiences the market has to offer to life. 

As the world’s leading Commerce Experience Platform, we’re the first solution to provide brands with the data, content and deliverability capabilities they need to create truly personalized, authentic shopping experiences at the scale and speed today’s consumers expect from brands. By combining data-fueled personalization and dynamic experience delivery with scalable visual UGC, Nosto is redefining the future of commerce experiences — giving brands the ability to make every impression relevant. 

Through Nosto and Stackla, retailers and brands will be able to collect visual user-generated content from consumers across social media platforms to then personalize their onsite shopping experiences in a way that puts their loyal customers at the forefront of their brand experience. Automated authentic word-of-mouth advocacy in the form of customer-driven visual content enables shoppers to understand how people just like them feel about the brand and its products.


Our mission is to Make Every Impression Relevant. With the addition of Visual UGC to Nosto’s Commerce Experience platform, we are making impressions more relevant by solving two large challenges for digital commerce: content velocity and content performance

Adding Visual UGC to the Nosto offering supports the vision of a world where marketers and ecommerce managers are shifting from brand-centric strategies to customer-centric strategies in an effort to make their brand experience more relevant and authentic. 

Today’s consumers expect their online interactions with brands to be personalized and authentic. In this environment, it’s challenging for brands to break through the noise to reach and engage scroll-happy shoppers who have high expectations and low trust in brands.

Obtaining enough (and the right kinds of) data, content and delivery methods to produce relevant experiences for individual shoppers is expensive and resource-intensive—making it an unreachable goal for most retailers.  

By being the first in the commerce experience space to implement Visual Content and UGC natively, Nosto strengthens its leading position in the market and helps brands meet those ever-increasing expectations that shoppers have.


As the world’s leading Commerce Experience Platform, we’re the first solution to provide retailers with the data, content and deliverability capabilities they need to create truly personalized, authentic shopping experiences at the scale and speed today’s consumers expect from brands.

By combining the power of data-fueled personalization and dynamic experience delivery with the scale of visual content, we help retailers create commerce experiences that drive inspiration, increase conversions, build loyalty and grow revenue.


Our combined solution leverages behavioral data, deep integrations, machine-learning technology and automated workflows to make it easy for retailers to quickly deploy fully personalized and scalable commerce experiences with shoppable social proof and fine-tuned control of merchandising rules—across product recommendations, content, triggered overlays and popups, category pages, and more.

In the coming months, Nosto will be rolling out product enhancements that leverage the power of Stackla’s platform in addition to our own, which will eventually result in the announcement of completely new offerings. Are you interested in being one of the first to know about these new capabilities? Sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date.

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