Develop Your Own Branded Creator Community with Stackla’s Organic Influencers: A Feature Update

Develop Your Own Branded Creator Community with Stackla’s Organic Influencers: A Feature Update

Today, social influencers are closer to celebrities and TV stars, than they are to your average consumer. This is why brands are building creator communities by turning to micro-influencers and their broader communities (customers, employees, ambassadors, etc.) to create more authentic and meaningful content experiences.

In 2020, Stackla launched Organic Influencers so brands can easily create, organize and manage their own communities of real and enthusiastic creators—proactively generating high-quality user-generated content (UGC) and developing deeper connections with their customers and fans.

We’ve recently made significant updates to this tool that has quickly become a favorite with our customers—including new capabilities and advanced customizations.

New content submission types

With Organic Influencers, brands can send customizable creative briefs out to their communities, asking members to submit the specific types of content their brand needs. We’ve now expanded the types of content that your brand’s communities can submit to your creative briefs:

Text submissions

Creative briefs now support the submission of text-based content. This brings the total submission types to four: text, image, audio, video. The text submitted by community members can be up to 1,000 words and each brand can set custom limits on the word and character counts.

submit to brief OI

Not only do we now support multiple different content types, but brands can enable any creative brief to accept all four submission types at once.

upload submissions OI

We also now allow for captions and comments to appear on creative brief submissions.

media types OI

Increased capacity for video and audio submissions

Video submission sizes have been increased (up to 1000MB in size) to support the collection of HD and 4K videos. These assets have a 5-minute limit and users can set their own time limits within that time frame.

Import & export community lists

Import your existing community members

Not every company is starting from scratch when it comes to building communities of passionate customers and influencers. We’re making it easier for brands with existing communities to migrate one or multiple groups into Stackla and streamline their management through our Organic Influencers community portal.

Brands can now easily import their own lists of customers, advocates and/or influencers directly into their Organic Influencers communities in Stackla. The import can be done via CSV files containing audiences’ names and email addresses.

Export a list of community members from Organic Influencers

Once you’ve build a thriving community of creators within Stackla, there are many reasons your team might want to export that community member data: to run a targeted marketing campaign, to invite them to a special event or to send them product samples in advance of a launch.

Extracting a list of the community members you have built within Stackla is now easier than ever with a simple one-click process. Any individuals that have signed up with your brand under Organic Influencers can now be exported out by CSV at any time, even if they haven’t submitted anything yet from a creative brief.

Advanced customization of your brand’s community portal

Brands have always had the ability to customize the name of their community, as well as the logo, imagery, T&Cs and welcome message people see on the front page of their community portal. But, at Stackla, we understand that your brand is more than a name and a logo; it’s a look, feel and tone that your customers and fans recognize when they’re interacting with your company. With our new advanced customizations, you can make sure your audiences feel right at home from the minute they land on your portal’s welcome page.

Brands can now customize their community experience to be more reflective of their full brand guidelines by changing the fonts and colors through their private community portal.

The customizations are done using LESS and CSS stylesheets languages in the Stackla Admin UI. You can also see the live preview of the changes before publishing them to your community.

Customizable Community Emails

We didn’t just stop at the community portal itself. Brands can also now update the look and feel of the emails automatically sent to their community through Organic Influencers. These customizations are not just limited to styling, brands can also adjust the templates of all their transactional community emails—everything from welcome emails to emails congratulating community members when their content submissions are approved by your brand.

Additionally, Organic Influencers’ email functionality has been updated to support full user email management—including email verification processes at sign-up as well as bounce and unsubscribe handling and more.

Support for multiple brand communities

As part of our Enterprise Group Management capabilities, Stackla now allows organizations with multiple brands or target audiences to quickly build and deploy Organic Influencer community portals for each of these groups. For example, an ‘employees’ community group can now be separate from a ‘customers’ community group.

Content submissions made to each respective community portal can be automatically rolled up to your organization’s central stack or kept separate for each brand—whichever your team decides.

Share Assets Externally

Stackla’s key plugins, ranging from ads (Facebook, Google Ads, BrandNation, Adroll), DAM (Bynder, WebDAM, Adobe Experience Manager Assets), collaboration (Slack) and broadcast (ChyronHego, Livestream, VizRT) have all been optimized to integrate with Organic Influencers.

Now, as new submissions flow into Organic Influencers, they can easily be distributed to these third-party platforms.

Assets that brands gain through Organic Influencers can also be distributed through our Developer Tools (Webhooks/REST API) and Stackla Browser Extension.

Make creative briefs available to your entire community

There are times when you want to target creative briefs to specific community members for particular campaigns, say women’s athletic wear, for example. But there are often other occasions when a brief could be fulfilled by anyone in your broader community, say workout wear and equipment more generally.

To simplify this process, we now enabled creative briefs to be sent to a specific group, but also made available to your wider community. Content creators no longer need to be invited to briefs to take part, provided the brief is set to ‘public’ when you define the permissions of each creative brief.

Want to start building your own branded creator communities with Stackla? Fill out a free demo request today.

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